| |  | | | 冷热冲击试验箱,用来测试材料结构或复合材料,在瞬间下经*温及极低温的连续环境下所能忍受的 程度,藉以在zui短时间内试验其因热胀冷缩所引起的化学变化或物理伤害。适用的对象包括金属、塑料、 橡 胶,电子……等材料,可作为其产品改进的依据或参考。 | | ●待测品不动(气体)冷热冲击试验机 air flow from preheat & pre-cool zones for shocking action while pecimen keep stationary in testing zone. ●二箱或三箱式可程式控制模式 programmable control is for two zones & three zones test. ●出风口号回风口感知器检知控制 the control is checked by the average value of the outlet & inlet’s sensors. ●150(60℃)~(-10)-65℃.测试范围 testing temp.range is 150(60℃)~(-10)-65℃. ●10 sec 内风向栅门机构切换时间 the transfer time is within 10 seconds. ●5 min 内冷热冲击温度恢复时间 the recovery time is within 5 minutes. ●50%省电效率与自动伺服机. economize electricity of attrition is 50% efficiently that is serving control automatically. ●ipc工业电脑控制器 industrial person computer is for the controller. ●lcd中文/英文可切换液晶显示器 alphabetical lcd display by english-chinese. ●help操作说明list 简易表单操作 exlain any screen operation is by a “help” key & simple operated list. ●远端监控管理系统 two way remote control & measurement management systerm. ●ramp 等(均)温度加速寿命试验机 ramp temp,chamber. ●ln2v液态氮愉速降温控制装置 ln2 serving control injection is for ramp temp.control. | |
气体式冷热冲击试验机规格表 |
thermal shock chamber standard specification |
种类 | 40型 | 55型 | 65型 |
model | es-a 3c | es-b 3c | es-c 3c | es-d 3c | es-a 4c | es-b 4c | es-c 4c | es-d 4c | es-a 5c | es-b 5c | es-c 5c | es-d 5c | 结构 ( structure ) | 预冷箱 ( precooling zone )预热箱( preheating zone )测试箱( testing tone )固定类型的物体测试, 可选择 2 箱或 3 箱 stationary style ob-ject test , se-lectable2-zone or 3-zone test | 气门装置( damper driver ) | 强制的空气装置气门( forced air driver damper ) | 内箱材料 (interior material) | sus#304 不锈钢( stainless steel plate ) | 外箱材料 (exterior material) | sus#304 不锈钢( stainless steel plate ) +2660 粉体涂装( 3b surface treatment ) | 测试栅盘 (basket) | 不锈钢板或网架( stainless steel material plate or net ) | 冷冻系统 (refrigeration) | 二元式( cascade refrigeration syatem ) | 冷却方式 (cooling method) | 水冷( water ) | 水冷( water ) | 水冷( water ) | 环境温度( environment ) | 0 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ | 温度范围 | 预热温度( preheating ) | + 60 ℃ ~ + 200.0 ℃ | + 60 ℃ ~+ 200 ℃ | + 60 ℃ ~+ 200 ℃ | 预冷温度( precooling ) | -10 ℃ ~ -80 ℃ | -10 ℃ ~ -80 ℃ | -10 ℃ ~ -80 ℃ | 高温冲击( h.t.shocking ) | + 60 ℃ ~+ 150 ℃ | + 60 ℃ ~+ 150 ℃ | + 60 ℃ ~ 150 ℃ | 低温冲击( l.t.shocking ) | -10 ℃ ~ -55 ℃ | -10 ℃ ~ -65 ℃ | -10 ℃ ~ -65 ℃ | 温度偏差( uniformity ) | ± 2.00 ℃ 以内 | 模拟负载( ic )( sample ic ( kg ) | 2.5 | 5.0 | 7.5 | 10.0 | 2.5 | 5.0 | 7.5 | 10.0 | 2.5 | 5.0 | 7.5 | 10.0 | 恢复时间 | 高温冲击 3 箱( ht.in 3-zone ) | rt ℃~ + 150.0 ℃ /5min | rt ℃~ + 150.0 ℃ /5min | rt ℃~ + 150.0 ℃ /5min | 低温冲击 3 箱( ht.in 3-zone ) | rt ℃~ -55.0 ℃ /5min | rt ℃~ -65.0 ℃ /5min | rt ℃~ -65.0 ℃ /5min | 高温冲击 2 箱( ht.in 2-zone ) | -40.0 ℃ ~ + 150.0 ℃ /5min | -55.0 ℃ ~ + 150.0 ℃ /5min | -65.0 ℃ ~ + 150.0 ℃ /5min | 低温冲击 2 箱( ht.in 2-zone ) | + 150.0 ℃ ~ -40.0 ℃ /5min | + 150.0 ℃ ~ -55.0 ℃ /5min | + 150.0 ℃ ~ -65.0 ℃ /5min | 预热时间( preheating time ) | 25min | 30min | 40min | 45min | 25min | 30min | 40min | 45min | 25min | 30min | 40min | 45min | 预冷时间( precooling time ) | 60min | 75min | 100min | 110min | 70min | 85min | 100min | 110min | 70min | 85min | 100min | 110min | 控制系 | 温度感知器( sensor ) | pt100 3 | 控制器( controller ) | u8227s lcd micro controller | 设定范围( setting range ) | temperature : -100 ℃ + 200 ℃ / time : oh 00m ~999h 59m / cycle : 0cycle~1000cycle | 解析度( resolution ) | temperture : 0.01 ℃ /time : 1min | 输出形式( output mode ) | pid+ssr 控制模式( control method ) | 扩充的特色( additional features ) | 出风口与回风口感知器检之控制 /cm bus ( rs-485 )远端监控管理系统 /ln2v 液态氮快速降温控制装置 | |